Monday, September 15, 2008

ARPHID Alert Mixes Old Testament with New Tech But it is Still a Threat to Privacy

  1. RFID tags are radio frequency identification tags, which are sometimes referred to on the Web as "ARPHIDs." If you are a citizen of the USA, you either have one of these in your passport now, or you will have one in your new passport. In Europe (sorry, not sure about Canada) the standards for these ID chips that store as well as broadcast or share information about you were set up to guard the privacy of individuals. In the USA, the chips our government has chosen to force on us were developed by Walmart, as I've noted before.

These chips are what are in the state IDs that some states have adopted, especially states near borders, to expedite travel across borders. Our USA chips share everything with the FBI, who claim they may share our info with anyone they like. Now if you were a tad cynical or paranoid, you might imagine a situation when a large corporation, with major holdings owned by large foreign countries might lean on our security agencies to track individuals. But let's not go there, right? I'm just being silly like the Amish and the "Mark of Beast" thing, right?
Whether we refer to it in religious quasi-mythic terms as "Mark of the Beast" or use the language of bureaucrats and technologists, a device that singles us and/or our property, animals, locations, etc. out, and allows us to be tracked without our conscious knowledge is something to think about, and perhaps to hesitate a bit before we enthusiastically adopt it and foist it on our society in the name of efficiencey.

"All plaintiffs preserve and protect Americans' agricultural heritage and traditional farming techniques, they maintain and protect heirloom varieties of plants and animals constituting a valuable genetic resource which may help to protect America's food supply in the event of a disease outbreak, and they also provide a national security benefit founded in a diverse system in the event of a terrorist attack or natural disaster that interrupts the distant transportation of centrally produced food across the country." ((("Inject our organic cows with radio tags and the terrorists win." Interesting argument.)))

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