Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Is College Necessary Asked and Answered

This rings true. Most information you need to learn anything is on the web today, but few know how to serve themselves to learn effectively. We need to spend more time on the process of learning, than on the facts and specifics.

Is College Necessary in a Knowledge-Drenched World?

If knowledge is just content and all you need to do is deliver it, and there is no social aspect to learning because individuals can learn alone, then of course people ask "Why go to college?" Our making education into a commercial transaction by our ways of referring to education has dug us into a deep hole. We would not have known how deep if the digital revolution hadn't shown us.
The Web massively extends communication opportunities for casual interactions or for focused, long-term collaborative investigations around a topic or problem. Learners in general, however, need mentors or guides who are regularly available over a period of time. The quantity of information available through the Web does not mean that individual learners can easily become educated on their own. In fact, with the information deluge, it is even harder now to find clarity and coherence because of the huge ratio of noise to signal.
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